
Creditcoin Testnet usually runs newer versions of the Creditcoin runtime which are under active development and testing. It is the recommended network to try out new features.

Proof-of-Stake Testnet

Currently, Creditcoin's Testnet is running a new consensus mechanism based on Nominated Proof-of-Stake. Users are encouraged to try out the new features and collaborate on testing the new Validator and Nominator roles. Find out more about Proof-of-Stake in the Staking section.

Connecting to Testnet

When connecting to Creditcoin Testnet, the node must be run with additional options. First, it has to use the testnet chain specifications by passing the --chain test option. Testnet bootnodes must also be specified using the --bootnodes flag.

Testnet bootnodes:

  • /dns4/testnet-bootnode.creditcoin.network/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWG3eEuYxo37LvU1g6SSESu4i9TQ8FrZmJcjvdys7eA3cH

  • /dns4/testnet-bootnode2.creditcoin.network/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWLq7wCMQS3qVMCNJ2Zm6rYuYh74cM99i9Tm8PMdqJPDzb

  • /dns4/testnet-bootnode3.creditcoin.network/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWAKUrvmchoLomoouoN1sKfF9kq8dYtCVFvtPuvqp7wFBS

Users wanting to explore testnet data can connect to the public testnet node provided by Creditcoin through PolkadotJS Apps.

Last updated