Version 1.7.0 - 2021-06-15

Updates - Improvements related to Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0.5

  • Improved numerous performance and resilience issues for the REST API, processor and validator.

  • Resolved issues on block reward allocation for miners.

  • Introduced injection of housekeeping transactions improving decentralization of the network.

  • Optimized code for retrieving state data from Sawtooth REST API.

  • Resolved issues with fork resolution.

  • Removed dependency on Sawtooth REST API from Creditcoin Processor.

  • Resolved several race conditions which caused platform instability.

  • Refactored peering and gossip code to improve performance and reliability.

  • Implemented upgrade to validators: dropping stale connections and reacquiring valid peers.

Last updated

Change request #100: PoS Switch: Redo Docs