Creating Dapps with ethers.js

We will now create a front-end web application for the Counter contract we deployed in the previous sections using ethers, a JavaScript library for interacting with the EVM.

Setting up an Ethers project

It is generally better practice (for security reasons) to copy the ethers library to your own webserver and serve it yourself. More over, third party libraries should be monitored and updated regularly to avoid attacks involving supply chain vulnerabilities.

Fixing the library’s version and using tools like Github’s Dependabot and its security updates can help developers keep their dependencies updated and their dApps safe.

Our web application will have a single HTML file, however it needs to be served via an HTTP server to avoid Cross-Origin Resource Sharing restrictions in modern browsers. Loading the application via the file:// protocol will not work! The easiest way to start is to copy the entire project from and then execute the command:

$ npm install

After all dependencies have been installed you can serve the HTML application via the command

$ npm run dev

> creditcoin-etherjs-project@0.0.0 dev
> vite

Re-optimizing dependencies because lockfile has changed

  VITE v5.2.12  ready in 95 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h + enter to show help

Connecting to the EVM

Adding the Contract details to the project

To create a contract instance, ethers requires the contract address and its Application Binary Interface (ABI). You can get both from either Remix or the Hardhat project.

If you are using Remix, the ABI will be avaiblable to copy and paste after compiling the contract. And the address can be copied from the Deployed Contracts section in the Deploy & Run tab.

Contract ABI
Contract Address

If you are using Hardhat, you can use the address logged by the deploy command and the ABI code that should be stored in the artifacts folder as Counter.json.

Include both the address and the ABI in the script.js file.

Important: when using ethers.js to interact with Metamask, different version of ethers.js requires different ways to initialize providers. The included example uses the latest ethers.js v6!

Items to be aware of

When using the example project as the start of your own application you should be aware of several lines in the example source code and adjust them accordingly. They are annotated below:

// WARNING: this only works if you are compiling the Counter contract with Hardhat
// adjust the artifact/ABI json if necessary!
import CounterContractArtifact from "../with-hardhat/artifacts/contracts/Counter.sol/Counter.json";

// WARNING: this address depends on which chain the contract was deployed to
const CounterContractAddress = "CHANGE_TO_REAL_DEPLOYMENT_ADDRESS";

... skip ...

    const result = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: "wallet_addEthereumChain",

      // WARNING: make sure this is the same blockchain the contract was deployed to
      params: [blockchainTarget.creditcoin_testnet]

Last updated